Ocean Blue TOPAZ Gemstone Lot 25 ct.
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Dancing Sands Studio * Mobile * Alabama
Copy Written© 2009 - 2018
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You’ll know that you are in the right place for gemstones when, for the very first time, you open your gemstone parcel . Pictures just do not portray their real beauty.
Ocean Blue TOPAZ Gemstone Lot 50 ct.
Ocean Blue TOPAZ Gemstone Lot 200 ct.
Golden Citrine Gemstone Lot 200 ct.
Madeira Citrine Gemstone Lot 50 ct.
Madeira Citrine Gemstone Parcel 30 ct.
Golden Citrine Gemstone Kit 25 ct.
Square Golden Citrine Gemstone Kit 27 ct.
Golden Citrine Gemstone Kit 30 ct.
Red Garnets Gemstone Lot 200 ct.
Red Garnets Gemstone Lot 50 ct.
Red Garnets Gemstone Lot 25 ct.
Red Garnet Emerald Gemstone Kit 15-20 ct
Cranberry Garnet Gemstone Kit 25 ct
Red Garnet & Carnelian Gemstone Kit 20 ct
This is a Display Model WebStore with full-view photography and lengthy details.
You’ll find it a refreshing difference from the tiny text & crammed in shopping cart styled websites that are across the web.
Enjoy your browsing.